Castles: First Society for Creative Anarchism (SCA) kingdom to build a new romantic castle from...
...scratch on a hill or mountain that has a commanding view of its surroundings or on a lake, river, or coastal island. By “romantic”, it is meant the design would be what one would see in the cover art for a book jacket for a medieval romance novel. As SCA’s motto is “the Middle Ages as they ought to have been”, the castle must be built primarily using medieval building techniques after having been carefully designed by a professional architectural firm (to insure it is safe to occupy and will last a long time) and include modern necessities (such as indoor toilets). The castle must be ringed by a white wall of stone (either using white stone or whitewashed) at least twenty feet high, have at least four towers on that wall, a two-hundred horse stable, and an inner keep that is not attached to the ringing wall and has a great hall for banquets and concerts, at least a hundred bedrooms (with a king’s bedroom and a queen’s bedroom), a dungeon, and a tower that is the highest tower in the castle. The castle cannot be built within ten miles of an incorporated city, town, or village.
Future Challenges: First SCA kingdom to build a new:
1) Black-stone evil Gothic castle. By “evil”, it is meant the design would be what one would see in the cover art for a book jacket for a medieval horror novel. [This castle should be a big hit on Halloween.]
2) High-fantasy castle. By “high-fantasy”, it is meant the design would be what one would see in the cover art for a book jacket for a medieval high fantasy novel. Its architecture looking like it almost should not be able to exist. Almost magical. [Modern building techniques and materials are allowed for this castle to pull off the "magical" nature of its architecture as long as they are hidden and/or camouflaged.]
Using the above SCA castles as their primary settings:
3) First high-fantasy drama TV series with the series having produced at least 100 episodes.
4) First major high-fantasy motion picture (premiering in at least 4,000 theaters in the US).
Discussion:If you would like to discuss this challenge with others, click here to go to this challenge's discussion forum.