Clean Streets: First Shriners lodge to own and operate a street sweeper vehicle and, at no expense... the community, relieve its town/city of the duty of keeping the streets clean. The Shriners lodge trains members in how to operate the vehicles and then lets the members take the vehicles out to clean their community’s streets. The lodge has a dry-erase or computer map of its community streets so members can mark off what they’ve done and when so that those streets which haven’t been cleaned the longest get cleaned next. The lodge must recognize and give awards to the three members who clean the most miles of street each year at an annual banquet.
Future Challenges:
1) First US state chapter of Shriners to have all of its local chapters own and operate street sweepers and relieve the entire state of this duty. This means Shriner chapters taking over street cleaning duties in communities in the state that don't currently have a Shriner chapter.
2) First nation to have all of its Shriner chapters agree to own and operate street sweepers and relieve the entire nation of this duty. This means Shriner chapters taking over street cleaning duties in communities in the nation that don't currently have a Shriner chapter.
3) Third annual “Shining Shriner” street sweeper customization competition held at the Shriners’ annual international convention. [The idea is for the Shriner chapters to take pride in the appearance of their street sweepers and to make their street sweepers fun for their communities to look at while they go about their task.]
First Shriners chapter to own and operate a street sweeper which is:
4) GPS-equipped so it keeps track of the streets it has cleaned and can then inform which streets haven't been cleaned the longest so Shriner members know which streets to clean next.
5) Electric powered.
6) Computer driven and operated. Except for giving the machine the order to go clean the streets, no human operator needed. The vehicle can also be set up to automatically do the cleaning of the streets on certain days and times. In combination with Future Challenge #3, such a vehicle will also know which streets to clean next.
7) Able to do Future Challenges #4, #5, and #6.
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