Concealed Weapons: First business association which publicly welcomes concealed weapons within their...
...establishments and puts stickers on all of their exterior doors that read something along the following lines:
Concealed weapons allowed
within this establishment.
Evil-doers beware!
We fire back here.
Go elsewhere for your victims.
Future Challenges: First above business association to:
1) Offer free "fire back" workshops for the public on how to carry a concealed weapon and how to best use it to both protect oneself and those around them in situations where criminals and people bent on destruction commit their heinous acts. These workshops must set up simulation rooms that replicate possible likely environments where criminals and the criminally insane might strike, such as convenience stores, movie theaters, and public schools. For these simulation exercises, the workshop participants will use compact paintball pistols for their weapons. To win this future challenge, the association must have run one of these workshops in at least every US state.
2) Fund a statistical analysis of where acts of violence occur and if it is more likely to occur in locations that prohibit concealed weapons (but do not have metal detectors and security guards screening everyone) and less likely in locations that openly allow concealed weapons. The research institution commissioned for this research must be highly respected for this type of research, neutral, not have any prior association with either side of this issue, and their research must be peer reviewed and approved before public disclosure and published in a respected science journal.
3) Fund a legal defense fund that represents people arrested for carrying a concealed weapon in public buildings and businesses where there are signs that say concealed weapons are prohibited but where there are not also metal detectors and security guards screening everyone that enters those buildings.
4) Be one of the plaintiffs and/or financially support plaintiffs who claim it is their Second Amendment right to carry a concealed weapon into any public or private building where there are no metal detectors and security guards screening everyone who enters for weapons.
5) Find at least one criminal case where the convicted criminal said they choose another location for their crime when seeing their first choice had a "Concealed Weapons Welcome" (or words to that effect) sticker on their exterior doors. The criminal case can have happened in the past before this challenge or the business association ever existed. [This future challenge will very likely require thousands upon thousands of hours of digging through court cases. Then again, Google might be able to find it in a fraction of a second with the right search words.] To win this future challenge, the criminal case must be part of a 60-second advertisement for the association, which must air at least once during prime time on CNN, FNC, and MSNBC.
6) Fund at least one full-time lobbyist for their cause in Washington DC. The lobbyist must be a former US House Representative or US Senator.
First nationally syndicated radio talk show host to champion this challenge and be the first of their kind to get:
7) The CEO or President of the National Rifle Association on their show and encourage them to get the NRA behind at least the original challenge above. To win this future challenge, the CEO or President must be on the show for at least fifteen minutes.
8) A sitting member of the US House or US Senate on their show and get them to endorse at least the original challenge. To win this future challenge, the US House Representative or US Senator must be on the show for at least fifteen minutes.
9) An A-List celebrity on their show and get them to endorse at least the original challenge. To win this future challenge, the A-Lister must be on the show for at least fifteen minutes.
10) The CEO of a major fast food chain (at least 1,000 restaurant units) who has joined the original challenge's association and affixed the stickers mentioned in the original challenge (or ones very much like them) to all of their restaurants' exterior doors.
11) The CEO of a major retail chain (at least 1,000 restaurant units) who has joined the original challenge's association and affixed the stickers mentioned in the original challenge (or ones very much like them) to all of their stores' exterior doors.
12) The defense attorney of a person arrested for carrying a concealed weapon in a public building where there are not controlled entrances with security guards and metal detectors and allows the attorney to make his client's case to her/his listeners. The radio talk show host must then encourage listeners to donate to the defendants' defense fund and give the URL and/or telephone number which they can go to or call to donate.
13) Their radio station to join the original challenge's association, post the stickers (or ones like it) mentioned in the challenge to their exterior doors, and, from then forward, the radio talk show host packs a concealed handgun while at the station and during their program. To win this future challenge, all three conditions must be continuously done for at least three years.
14) Their radio station to join the original challenge's association, post the stickers (or ones like it) mentioned in the challenge to their exterior doors, and, from then forward, everyone at the radio talk show host's radio station packs a concealed handgun while at work. To win this future challenge, all three conditions must be continuously done for at least three years.
Discussion:If you would like to discuss this challenge with others, click here to go to this challenge's discussion forum.