Dairy (milk): First microorganism breed and/or genetically engineered to produce cow milk. The...

...produced milk must be proven to be statistically identical to cow milk in blind taste tests in its raw, pasteurized, homogenized, and both pasteurized and homogenized forms.  This means the taste testers cannot accurately pick which is which.  The blind taste tests must have at least 1,000 participants.  The microorganism-produced cow milk ("c-milk" or "cMilk") must be produced without any harmful microorganisms.  [While this means they then don't need to be pasteurized, they still need to be for the blind taste tests.

Dairy cows take up a lot of acreage and resources.  One of the goals of this challenge is to start down the path to creating replacements for dairy cows so human-consumed milk is produced with less space and resources.  The end goal is cheaper healthier milk.]

Future Challenges:

1) First cMilk to be served as a drink at any restaurant in the world for any price.  Reservations can be required.  To win this future challenge, at least 1,000 gallons of cMilk must be sold to and consumed by restaurant patrons.  [This cMilk will likely be VERY expensive and thus suitable for the realm of super-high-end restaurants that cater to the super-rich.  This is fine.  Someone has to break the ice.  Let the super-rich do it.  Super-high-end restaurants will want to sell cMilk because it is extremely expensive since that will be a way for them to differentiate themselves from "lesser" restaurants, gain publicity, and attract the super-rich as patrons.  And the super-rich will order it because they can afford to do so (for ego and to impress others) and, for some, they will know that if they do so, it will cause more and more labs to get into the business of producing cMilk for these super-high-end restaurants.  This will then help drive down the cost of producing it as economies of scale come into effect.  It will then become more and more affordable for more and more people.]

2) First cMilk to be served in the form of cheese at any restaurant in the world for any price.  Reservations can be required.  To win this future challenge, at least 100 pounds of cMilk cheese must be sold to and consumed by restaurant patrons.

With all of the following approved by the FDA for human consumption...

3) First cMilk cheese to win the World Championship Cheese Contest.

4) First cMilk to be lactose-free.

5) First cMilk to have all of its fats be Omega-3 fats.

6) First cMilk that doesn't have any beta-lactoglobulin, which causes an allergic reaction in 2% to 3% of babies.  [These babies are normally only allergic to beta-lactoglobulin for a short period of time and then grow immune to it, but during that short period of time, the baby is harmed by the allergy if continued to be fed cow milk by its parents.  Not to mention, if poor parents do know the baby has this allergy, how that knowledge would then force them to find a more expensive milk substitute.]

7) First cMilk to contain no low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and only high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("good" cholesterol).

8) First cMilk to be lactose-free, all of its fats be Omega-3, beta-lactoglobulin-free, free of "bad" cholesterol, and containing "good" cholesterol.

9) First cMilk that accomplishes Future Challenge #8 and is the milk source for a cheese that wins the World Championship Cheese Contest.

For the following Future Challenges #10 through #22, the cMilk referred to is the one described in Future Challenge #8.

10) First grocery store to sell cMilk to the public.

First major grocery store chain (1,000 stores or more in chain) to sell cMilk...

11) To the public.

12) For same price as regular cow milk.

13) For less than regular cow milk.

14) Only and not also regular cow milk.

First major grocery store chain to sell cMilk cheese...

15) To the public.

16) For the same price as regular cow milk cheese.

17) For less than regular cow milk cheese.

18) Only and not also regular cow milk cheese.

First major grocery store chain to sell cMilk ice cream...

19) To the public.

20) For the same price as regular cow milk ice cream.

21) For less than regular cow milk ice cream.

22) Only and not also regular cow milk ice cream.

Now onto a new kind of microorganism-produced milk.

23) First microorganism-produced human milk ("h-milk" or "hMilk") that is approved by the FDA for consumption by human babies and deemed just as nutritional as human mother milk.

24) First hMilk to be declared more nutritional and better for babies than human mother milk by the FDA.  [This is the "for-babies hMilk" referred to in Future Challenges #26 to #29.]

25) First hMilk to be declared more nutritional and better for adults than human mother milk by the FDA.  All the fats are Omega-3 and all of its cholesterol is of the "good" variety.  [This is the "for-adults hMilk" referred to in Future Challenge #30 and beyond.]

First major grocery store chain to sell for-babies hMilk...

26) To the public.

27) For the same price as either regular cow milk or cMilk, matching whichever is more expensive.

28) For less than either regular cow milk or cMilk.

First major grocery store chain to sell for-adults hMilk...

29) To the public.

30) For the same price as regular cow milk or cMilk, matching whichever is more expensive.

31) For less than either regular cow milk or cMilk.

32) Only and not also regular cow milk or cMilk.

First major grocery store chain to sell for-adults hMilk cheese...

33) To the public.

34) For the same price as either regular cow milk cheese or cMilk cheese, matching whichever is more expensive.

35) For less than either regular cow milk cheese or cMilk cheese.

36) Only and not also regular cow milk cheese and/or cMilk cheese.

First major grocery store chain to sell hMilk ice cream...

37) To the public.

38) For the same price as either regular cow ice cream or cMilk ice cream, matching whichever is more expensive.

39) For less than either regular cow milk ice cream or cMilk ice cream.

40) Only and not also regular cow milk ice cream and/or cMilk ice cream.

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