Dog Parks: First pet supply store to remodel its roof into a free, public, off-leash dog park with a...

...gently-sloped, wide ramp from ground level to the park that doesn’t require the dog owner to enter the store.  The dog park is open seven days a week and is lighted for early morning and late evening usage.  Lights are equipped with bug zappers.  [What better way to get on the good side of your customers (dog owners) than this challenge?]

Future Challenges: First rooftop-dog-park pet supply store that:

1) Uses the roofs of all of the adjacent stores to which it is connected to expand the dog park.  To win this future challenge, it has to use the roofs of at least ten other stores.  The store needs to be part of a strip mall or an indoor shopping mall.

2) Wins’s “Dog Park of the Year” award.

First pet supply store chain that:

3) Makes it official corporate policy to convert all of the roofs of its stores into free dog parks as outlined above.

4) Actually converts all of the roofs of all of its stores into free dog parks as outlined above.

5) Is the focus of a TV documentary.  The documentary following a construction company employed by a pet store chain to design and convert the roof of at least one of their stores into a free public dog park.  The documentary presenting both the architects doing the design work and the construction crews doing the actual physical work of the conversion.

6) Same as Future Challenge #5 but as a weekly reality TV show.  To win this future challenge, the show must air at least 13 episodes a year and have aired for at least three seasons.

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