Fraternization: Makes fraternization between officers and enlisted no longer against the...

...military code and cannot be held against any soldier for promotion or assignment.  The only restriction is that the enlisted soldier cannot be in the direct line of command of the officer, but this should apply to officers of different ranks as well.  Also prohibited is separate social centers, mess halls, or other facilities for just enlisted, non-commissioned officers ("sergeants"), or officers.  [When officers were of the aristocracy and enlisted were peasants, this elitist policy kept the social classes separate.  It is LONG overdue in classless America that this snobbish policy be ended in the US military.  And with today’s military allowing women in it, the idea that a man cannot date or marry a woman because one is an officer and the other is enlisted is completely ridiculous.  Expect all US Senators, US House Representatives, and the US President to be in favor of this change and vote for it since all want to be viewed as pro-family and anti-elitist.]

Future Challenges:

1) First US Supreme Court Justice to officiate a wedding between an active-duty officer and an active-duty enlisted soldier.

2) First US Supreme Court Justice to officiate a wedding between an active-duty officer and an active-duty enlisted soldier with a sitting US President attending the ceremony.

3) First US Supreme Court Justice to officiate a wedding between an active-duty officer and an active-duty enlisted soldier with a sitting male US President giving away the bride.

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