Genetic Defects (pill): First pill that destroys all sperm that has a specific genetic...

...defect.  [Whereas only about 400 female eggs ever mature (make it to the point where they can be fertilized by sperm), men ejaculate between 100–115 million sperm each time.  This means eliminating all genetic defects in female eggs might render a woman barren but even if 99% of all of a male’s sperm were destroyed, still a million sperm would be able to be ejaculated to fertilize the female egg.  This means the purging of genetic defects from the human race is most effective in males.]

Future Challenges: First pill that destroys sperm that has:

1) Two genetic defects.

2) Ten genetic defects.

3) One hundred genetic defects.

4) All known genetic defects.

5) All known genetic defects and doesn’t affect female eggs.

6) All known genetic defects, doesn’t affect female eggs, and can be delivered in an alcoholic beverage.

7) First microbrewery (e.g., Hair of the Dog, Flying Bison, and Jolly Pumpkin) to offer to the public for sale a beer that does FC #6.

8) First macrobrewery (the Big Boys of beer ... Budweiser, Coors, Pabst, etc.) to offer to the public for sale a beer that does FC #6.

First vaccine that destroys sperm that has:

9) One genetic defect.

10) Two genetic defects.

11) Ten genetic defects.

12) One hundred genetic defects.

13) All known genetic defects.

First US state that:

14) Requires all boys reaching puberty to get the vaccine.

15) Has a population of 9 million or more that requires all boys reaching puberty to get the vaccine.

16) Requires all men seeking a heterosexual marriage license to get the vaccine, if they didn’t already receive it as a boy.

17) Has a population of 9 million or more that requires all men seeking a heterosexual marriage license to get the vaccine, if they didn’t already receive it as a boy.

The first US Senator or US House Representative to successfully introduce a bill to Congress that becomes federal law which requires all:

18) Males seeking US citizenship to get the vaccine before even applying for citizenship.

19) New male recruits to the armed forces to be vaccinated, if they haven't been already.

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