Government: First association of bloggers who focus solely on local governments bodies at which they...
...or someone who contributes to their blog physically attends their public meetings, floor speeches, and voting. The blogger can specialize in one type of local government body (such as a county board). When allowed by the government body, they must include at least video highlights of each meeting of that government body, if not the meeting in its entirety and/or live footage of the government body in action. When possible, the blogger must include post-meeting video interviews with at least the chair and vice-chair of that meeting. The blogger must publicly post their blog post about each meeting within two hours of its conclusion. The blogger must make the public clearly aware if they have a political bias. If they profess to be neutral, the association must have a way for the public to submit complaints about bias reporting by that blogger, the association must investigate, and if the blogger is found guilty, the blogger's membership must be suspended for six months and then, when they are let back into the association, they must clearly post their political bias for viewers to become aware of it.
Future Challenges: First government watchdog blogger to receive a good citizenship award for their blog work from:
1) American Civil Liberties Union
3) Electronic Frontier Foundation
6) The CEO of an espresso cafe chain of 250 or more stores. [Cafes are common places to debate all kinds of issues, including politics.]
First espresso cafe chain (250 stores or more) to annually give:
7) An award to the best government watchdog blogger or blog team.
8) Gold, silver and bronze medals to the best three government watchdog bloggers or blog teams.
9) At least a million dollars to the best government watchdog blogger or blog team, half a million dollars to the second best, and a quarter of a million dollars to the third best.
Discussion:If you would like to discuss this challenge with others, click here to go to this challenge's discussion forum.