Hurricanes: First transatlantic airline to publicly commit to burning high-sulfur jet fuel when any...
...of its jets fly at tropopause altitudes (11 miles up) while crossing the Tropic of Cancer region of the Atlantic Ocean from May 1 to November 30. The airline also publicly commits to increasing its flying height of all of its flights over the Atlantic Ocean's Tropic of Cancer between May 1 and November 30 to tropopause altitudes as often as possible and, in the future, to only buy jets for this region that are designed to fly at such altitudes and are better at burning high-sulfur jet fuel.
Future Challenges:
1) First Caribbean nation to not tax any airline (not its flights, property, jet fuel it buys, or the income of its corporation or employees who are citizens of the Caribbean nation) that does the original challenge. To qualify, from May 1 to November 30, the airline must fly at least one regular daily tropopause-altitude flight between the Caribbean, Central America, or northern South America and Africa (or having a flight path that would involve this route, such as one to the Middle East or India) during which they burn high-sulfur jet fuel once flying at tropopause altitude over the Atlantic Ocean's Tropic of Cancer region. The airline must also always burn high-sulfur jet fuel whenever one of its flights is flying at tropopause altitude in the Atlantic Ocean's Tropic of Cancer region from May 1 to November 30, must fly at tropopause levels in the Atlantic Ocean's Tropic of Cancer whenever possible, and must require all of its new jets it buys to be designed to fly at tropopause altitude and to burn high-sulfur jet fuel.
After signing into law a bill which does what is outlined in Future Challenge #1, the first Caribbean nation to write up a treaty where all signers agree to do likewise and proposes it to:
2) Association of Caribbean States
3) Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
4) Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
5) Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
6) Organization of American States
7) Organization of Ibero-American States
8) Rio Group
Discussion:If you would like to discuss this challenge with others, click here to go to this challenge's discussion forum.