Kitchen Bacteria: First dish sponge that can be, after being rinsed and most of the excess...
...water squeezed out of it, safely microwaved for one minute after each use to kill micro-bacteria in the sponge. [One of the two most bacteria-infested things in a kitchen is the dish sponge. It comes into contact with dirty dishes and its moist environment combine to make a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. However, if you could microwave it for just a minute, you can kill all the micro-bacteria in the sponge.
Future Challenges:
1) First major retail chain (1000 stores or more) that only sells dish sponges that are microwavable.
2) First major retail chain (1000 stores or more) that only sells dish sponges that are microwavable and can openers that are dishwasher safe.
3) First maker of dishwasher silverware baskets to offer one with a special holster for a dishwasher-safe can opener and include the dishwasher-safe can opener with the basket. This package must be for sale over the Internet and in at least one major retail chain (at least 1000 stores in the chain).
4) First dishwasher sold to the public that comes with a dishwasher-safe can opener and has a special holster in the dishwasher's silverware basket specially designed just for it.
5) First dishwasher manufacturer to have all of its dishwashers come with a dishwasher-safe can opener and has a special holster in the dishwasher's silverware basket specially designed just for it.
First health radio talk show host to champion this challenge and:
6) Get a dish sponge manufacturer to come onto the host's show and announce they're making a microwavable dish sponge and that it can be ordered (or pre-ordered if it isn't in existence yet) from the company's website.
7) Get the CEO of a major retailer (1000 stores or more) to officially announce they are only selling microwavable dish sponges in their stores.
Discussion:If you would like to discuss this challenge with others, click here to go to this challenge's discussion forum.