Massage: First robot massager to win the Massage Test. The Massage Test is where 100 blindfolded...
...humans cannot statistically tell (they guess right as often as they guess wrong) if a robot or two human massage therapists has given them a full body Swedish massage. The robot massager must only use two pairs of robot arms with a five-finger hand on each, its hands must be warmed to the surface temperature of a human hand, and its finger tips must have fingerprints (to give it the appropriate amount of traction). The robot cannot make noise louder than 40 dB (the noise level of a refrigerator). If the robot makes any noise, that noise must be replicated for the test when human massage therapists do their massages so it isn't the noise that gives away which is a robot and which isn't. For the massages given by humans, the robot's computer voice will tell the blind-folded massage subject to turn over when humans silently indicate to the test monitor that the subjects should. The robot will, on its own, use its computer voice to tell the massage subjects when to turn over. In between massage subjects, the robot must clean and sterilize its hands and the massage table.
Future Challenges:
1) First luxury hotel to offer a robot massager in their spa.
2) First luxury hotel to offer a robot massager in their most expensive hotel suite.
3) First luxury hotel to offer a robot massager in all of their hotel rooms.
4) First luxury hotel chain to offer a robot massager in all of their hotel rooms.
5) First major non-luxury hotel chain (1,000 hotels or more in their chain) to offer a robot massager in all of their hotel rooms.
6) First cuiseship to offer a robot massager in their ship's spa.
7) First cruiseship to offer a robot massager in their most expensive cabin.
8) First cruiseship to offer a robot massager in all of their cabins.
9) First cruiseline to offer a robot massager in all of the cabins on all of their cruiseships.
10) First naval aircraft carrier to offer a robot massager for use to all crew members (both officers and enlisted).
First robot massager to give a massage to a:
11) Female TV talk show host on her program.
12) Female TV talk show host on her US program.
13) Female character on a TV soap opera.
14) Female character on a US TV soap opera.
15) Female character in a major motion picture "chick flick." Must premiere in at least 4,000 movie theaters.
First robot massager for sale to the public for:
16) Any price.
17) Under $50,000.
18) Under $25,000.
19) Under $12,500.
20) Under $6,000.
21) Under $3,000.
22) Under $1,000.
23) Under $500.
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