Networking: First online multi-player game (with at least 1,000 active players and doesn't have to... a role-playing game) that uses local peer-to-peer (p2p) networking to handle its network traffic and updates.  The only reward for volunteers is giving their in-game characters a special title that only volunteers can have, such as “Sir” or “Lady” as a prefix.  [Local p2p enables volunteer computers to act as servers for the game for its nearby players.  This will reduce the long-distance traffic from the game over the World Wide Web (which will reduce the bandwidth demand on it) and essentially eliminates the cost of bandwidth for the game company.]

Future Challenges:

1) First major online multi-player game (with at least 100,000 active players) that uses local p2p to handle its network traffic and updates.

2) First computer game company with at least two major multi-player games (with at least 100,000 active players each) that only uses local p2p to handle all of its game network traffic and updates.

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