North Korea: First Supreme Leader to do a "Cuba", whereby he opens his nation's southern border for...
...two weeks and allows any North Korean (including its police and soldiers) who want to emigrate to South Korea to do so. The citizens can take their children and anything they can carry. [Don’t be surprised that some of the conditions of this open-border event are: A) all vehicles (including horse and cattle drawn wagons) must be left at the southern border and the citizens are not allowed to return to carry more back over the border, B) South Korea cannot allow any North Korean to emigrate to another country or this open-border event will never be repeated again, C) South Korea cannot solicit or accept foreign aid to handle the influx of immigrants, and/or D) foreign soldiers and naval ships in South Korea must leave and sign treaty agreements to never return as long as North Korea makes no threatening gestures to South Korea.] For the Supreme Leader to win this challenge, he must inform the entire nation of North Korea of this open-border event in the country’s newspapers and during prime-time broadcasts over both radio and TV at least one month before it is allowed to occur, allow people to take their pets (and allow dogs to be used as pack animals to carry stuff across the border), and the two weeks of the open border must be during the Spring or Fall when the weather is not too cold or hot.
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