Officer Training: Only allows those who are currently enlisted to be considered and eligible for...

...enrollment in the US military’s officer academies.  To be considered, enlisted soldiers must have a rank of at least E5 (“Staff Sergeant” in Air Force, Army and Marines; “Petty Officer First Class” in Navy and Coast Guard).  [Officers are not morally or genetically superior to enlisted soldiers.  That old elitist mindset stems from the age when officers were from the aristocracy (and bought their officer commissions) and enlisted soldiers were peasants (and were drafted into involuntary service). The quickest way of correcting this is to only allow enlisted soldiers to be considered for and allowed admittance to the military’s academies.  Doing so also breaks the glass ceiling for enlisted soldiers.  They can then finally do as the US Army slogan says they can do: be all you can be.  And expect all US Senators, US House Representatives, and the US President to be in favor of this change since none will want to be viewed as elitists and, as far as vote-getting goes, there are FAR more enlisted soldiers than officers.]

Future Challenges:

1) First TV documentary to document the above change at one of the US military's officer academies.

2) First US military academy to replace all their lecture classes with online courses and make them free to all enlisted soldiers within their military branch.  The academy then solely focusing on laboratory classes and hands-on (vocational) training needed by officers and thus actual time at the academy will likely be reduced from four years to two or even one.  [If this is done, expect the military academy to have their admissions selection process be heavily influenced by those with the highest grade point averages on their online transcripts.]

3) First US military academy to replace all their lab classes with online virtual reality courses and make them free to all enlisted soldiers within their military branch.  The academy then just focusing on hands-on (vocational) training needed by officers and thus actual time at the academy will likely be further reduced to one or even a half a year.  [At this short of a length, attending the officer academy may eventually be viewed as nothing more than attending any of the military's other technical training schools.  A very tough one to get into but not a long one once in.  In fact, married soldiers will probably not even relocate their families while the soldier attends such an officer academy but wait to relocate them to the military base to which the newly-commissioned officer will be reassigned.]

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