Trains: First computer-driven freight train to be approved by the Department of Transportation of a...
...US state to operate within the state, transporting cargo.
Future Challenges:
1) First computer-driven freight train to be approved by the Departments of Transportation of enough US states so that the freight train can travel from the East Coast to the West Coast of the continental US.
2) First computer-driven freight train to be approved by all the Departments of Transportation in the 48 continental US states.
3) First US railroad to add a computer-driven freight train to its stable of trains and to use it regularly.
4) First US railroad to only have computer-driven trains.
5) First passenger train to be computer-driven and to run on a regular route.
6) First US state to set a five-year deadline for all trains traveling through its state to be computer-driven. [Don't be surprised that the first state legislature to pass such a law do so after a deadly freight train accident caused by human error happens in their state.]
7) First major US state (population of 9 million or more) to set a five-year deadline for all trains traveling through its state to be computer-driven.
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