USB Connectivity: First US cellphone company to offer a USB cellphone. A USB cellphone is a...

...cellphone that is very compact and can be inserted into one of your computer's USB ports so your computer can access the Internet using it and not need to use a telephone line (dial-up/DSL) or cable TV modem.  The USB cellphone cannot be used as a regular cellphone as it has no microphone, speaker, numberpad, or such.  Nor does it have a battery as it is solely powered by your computer's USB port.

Future Challenges:

1) First US cellphone company to offer USB cellphone service to their regular cellphone subscribers as a way to hook up one's TVs to cellphone TV channels.  [Cellphone TV channels could be like old "party" telephone lines where each is a constant cellphone call that all subscribers of that cellphone company (via their USB cellphones) can connect into to get that cellphone TV channel.  Transitionary adapter jacks would screw onto a TV's cable TV input jack and have a USB port for a USB cellphone to click into.  This transitionary adapter includes a power cord to charge the USB cellphone from an electrical outlet wall socket.  Internet-capable TV sets already have USB ports that USB cellphones can use and be powered by.

Cellphone companies will then compete with cable and satellite TV companies for viewers.  Since cellphone TV channels would then be a secondary service for their subscribers, cellphone companies will decimate the cable and satellite TV industries by simply offering their cellphone TV channels as a "free" service to their subscribers.  That happens and cable and satellite TV companies will join pagers, PDAs, alarm clocks, watches, etc. as another tech made obsolete by cellphones.]

2) First US cellphone company to offer USB cellphone service to their regular cellphone subscribers as part of their unlimited cellphone plans where their subscribers need only buy a USB cellphone to take advantage of it.  [The cellphone company allowing at least two USB cellphones per subscriber (one for one's computer and one for one's TV).  Family plans will have at least as many USB cellphones as they have different cellphone numbers since each family member is likely to have their own computer ... plus probably at least three more for the TVs in the family's home.]

3) First desktop computer manufacturer to build into their computers USB cellphone technology.

4) First laptop computer manufacturer to build into their computers USB cellphone technology.

5) First tablet PC manufacturer to build into their tablet PCs USB cellphone technology.

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