Big Government: First US state legislature to pass three years in a row bills to their...
...state legislature that become state law that repeal state and local laws, regulations, agencies, programs, government job positions, government job pay raises, government job benefit increases, taxes, pork, and/or governor’s executive orders. [Contrary to what socialists believe, you cannot regulate utopia into existence. Just the opposite. The more you regulate, the worse society typically becomes. The more regulated business becomes, the less entrepreneurism occurs. Major corporations LOVE regulation because it gives them an advantage over entrepreneurs (potential competitors) by making entry into their industry too expensive and complicated to do. Major corporations can easily afford to comply with increased regulation and even lobby to increase it. Increased regulations is major corporations' best weapon against entrepreneurs and small business competitors. Even if the corporation isn't actively stacking the deck against entrepreneurs and small-business competitors, the more regulations a government institutes, the more lobbying corporations feel they need to do to protect themselves. Unions are just as bad as major corporations in this regards. The bottom line is this: Regulations CREATE lobbyists. The more regulations, the more lobbyists will come into existence.
Future Challenges:
1) First state legislator of any US State to have a submission form on their legislator's website for the citizens they represent to submit state and local laws, regulations, agencies, programs, government job positions, government job pay raises, government job benefit increases, taxes, pork, and/or governor's executive orders that should be repealed and that their representative should get into next year's "Repeal Bill".
2) First US Senator(s) or US House Representative(s) to successfully introduce three years in a row of bills to Congress that becomes federal law that repeal federal laws, regulations, agencies, programs, government job positions, government job pay raises, government job benefit increases, taxes, pork, and/or presidential executive orders. To win this future challenge, the bills must be titled "Repeal Bill of [numeric year]," be voted on the last day before Congress’ July 4th (Independence Day) break, and signed into law by the US President on July 4th. If the President refuses to sign the bill into law or vetoes it, Congress must override that veto on the first day it is back from its July 4th break.
3) First US House Representative or US Senator to have a submission form on their congressional website for the citizens they represent to submit federal laws, regulations, agencies, programs, government job positions, government job pay raises, government job benefit increases, taxes, pork, and/or presidential executive orders that should be repealed and that their representative should get into next year's "Repeal Bill".
4) First major US political party (Republican or Democrat) to make this annual July 4th "Repeal Bill" part of its party's platform.
First TV production company to produce a:
5) TV documentary on one such bill written, negotiated, lobbied, introduced, voted on, and signed into law in either a US state government or the US federal government.
6) Reality TV show that focuses on a state or federal politician who has made this her/his primary cause and follows all their trials and tribulations in creating, writing, negotiating, lobbying, and getting votes for such a bill. To win this challenge, the show must have aired for at least three seasons.
First radio talk show host to champion this challenge and:
7) Have a submission form on their show's website where her/his listeners can submit federal, state, and local laws, regulations, agencies, programs, government job positions, government job pay raises, government job benefit increases, taxes, pork, and/or presidential and/or governor's executive orders that should be repealed. Also, the show's website must have a way for listeners to vote on such submissions in regards to which should be repealed first. To win this future challenge, the host/ess must read at least one such submission with the submitter's explanation of why it should be repealed on the air for at least 100 consecutive air days on the show.
8) Solo emcee a July 4th weekend mega-concert "Repeal Bill" rally and gets it covered live by at least one US broadcast or cable TV network. In between each band and while the next band sets up on stage, the host/ess must talk with the lead singer of the next band (over the PA system that uses the concert's loud speakers) what governmental stupidity s/he would like to see repealed. The mega-concert must have at least 30 music bands perform at it and have a massive fireworks display EACH night of the concert at dusk.
9) Same as Future Challenge #8 but getting at least 100 US congresspersons (with at least a few from the US Senate and from both parties) to individually come onto the concert stage between bands and talk about what they got inserted into that year's "Repeal Bill".
10) Same as FC #8 but getting the current US President to come onto the concert stage on July 4th between bands during the US broadcast/cable TV network's prime-time coverage of the concert and officially sign into law that year's "Repeal Bill" before the concert audience and home viewers.
11) Same as FC #8 but being the third year in a row that the concert was done and the host/ess solo emceed it.
Discussion:If you would like to discuss this challenge with others, click here to go to this challenge's discussion forum.