Handicapped Soldiers: The military cannot discharge soldiers who become handicapped in the line of...

...duty, but, if at all possible, instead must find them a job they can do within the military and still remain as soldiers.  All handicapped soldiers previously discharged from the military because of their physical handicap can rejoin the military at no loss of rank if a job which they can do is available.  [When a soldier loses his leg in war, that is horrible.  It is only made worse by it causing him to lose his livelihood.  The military is supposed to take care of its own and not discard them when they’re no longer perfect.  Also, most jobs in the military do not require He-Man to do them.  A leg-amputee would have no problem doing a desk job.]

Future Challenges:

1) First TV documentary that documents severely handicapped battle-wounded soldiers going through surgery, physical therapy, being reassigned to new jobs in the US military, retraining, and doing the new jobs.

2) First reality TV show to follow the lives of severely handicapped battle-wounded soldiers from surgery to them doing their newly-assigned jobs in the US military.  [This show could present a series of such soldiers so viewers always see one of them going through one of the stages of change: surgery, physical therapy, retraining, and doing their new job.]

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