Ebook Reader Cellphones: First cellphone service company to offer to their customers a...
...cellphone that has a thumb keyboard and a slide-out black-&-white e-ink monitor. [Along with the free ebook challenge and by pushing for “newspaper” column advertising between chapters in ebooks (column advertising is better suited for cellphone monitors than full-page advertising due to the dimensions of the typical cellphone monitor), these ebook cellphones will speed the demise of bookstores and publishers. It will also spell the demise of Amazon.com’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook UNLESS one or both of these companies are the first to come out with these ebook cellphones (“Kindle cellphone” ["kPhone"] and/or “Nook cellphone” ["nPhone"]) for cellphone service companies (i.e., MetroPCS, Verizon, etc.). These ebook cellphones will be a BIG hit with book lovers and have great snob appeal.] The ebook program for the cellphone must include a way for readers to increase and decrease the size of the text’s font.
Future Challenges: First cellphone service company to offer their customers the above eBook reader cellphone with a:
1) Cursor program that enables readers to learn word definitions and can pronounce the word for the reader. When pronouncing the word, both the word part and the phonics part is highlighted when they are being pronounced.
2) Verbal reader program that can audibly read the book, magazine, newspaper, etc. to the person. [This will cause situations where people think someone is listening to someone on their cellphone when they’re actually listening to a book being read to them.]
3) Slide-out color e-ink monitor.
4) Slide-out flippable dual-monitor where one side is a regular video monitor and the other side is a black & white e-ink monitor.
5) Slide-out flippable dual-monitor where one side is a regular video monitor and the other side is a color e-ink monitor.
6) Monitor that can switch between a regular video monitor and a black-&-white e-ink monitor with the press of a button. No flipping of the monitor required.
7) Monitor that can switch between a regular video monitor and a color e-ink monitor with the press of a button.
For in-between-chapter advertising in eBooks, first cellphone service company to spend in one calendar year at least:
8) $10 million.
9) $100 million.
10) $1 billion.
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