Genetic Defects (sperm banks): First sperm bank to require all of its sperm donors and recipients to...

...have their DNA sequenced, all genetic defects and super-genes identified, and the donor recipient thoroughly informed of the likelihood of genetic defects and super-genes her baby may inherit by using one donor's sperm over another's.  Using DNA analysis (and when it becomes available DNA facial and full-body construction), the donor recipient must be provided as accurate a picture as possible of what her baby will look like (and, when DNA facial and full-body construction are possible, what her child will look like as a newborn and then when hitting the ages of 2 [toddler], 13 [puberty], 18 [high school graduation], 45 [middle age], 65 [senior citizen], and 100).  And to prevent needless abortions, donor recipients must be given the option to select the sex that the sperm will bestow.

[No sane wannabe mother will select sperm that will result in her child inheriting genetic defects.  Because of this, each child born this way will help improve the overall health of the entire human race as their descendants will be that much more likely to be free of genetic defects.  And then those nations who have sperm banks which do this original challenge will start producing a healthier and smarter population than those who don't.  Then year after year, decade after decade, and generation after generation, these nations will become healthier and healthier and smarter and smarter.  The economic and technological edge this will give these nations will become greater and greater as time goes by.  Lower health care costs alone could be the game winner for these nations over those who don't have sperm banks which do this original challenge.]
Also, the sperm bank can only accept sperm donors who are at least 100 years of age.  With the results revealed to the potential donor recipients, these ancient donors must have a full-body examination, which must include their vision, hearing, mobility, and arthritis checked and measured.  [Few males live to this age so this requirement can help increase the longevity of the children born.  Donor recipients will very naturally want their children to live as long as possible so this additional screening measure by the sperm bank will very likely increase the number of customers they will get.]
Additionally to win this challenge, with the results revealed to the donor recipient, the sperm bank must have its sperm donors take the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) and Stanford-Binet IQ Test Long Form Fifth Edition plus have an educational background check, a criminal background check, and a brain scan lie detector test done.  The lie detector test screening for sexual orientation (hetero, homo, bi, and asexual) [lesbian couples might prefer homo or bi sperm donors], psychological disorders, and hidden criminal history (not just what they got caught and convicted for).

Future Challenges: First resort in the following nations/regions to have its own sperm bank which does the original challenge and imports from sperm banks around the world which also do the above screening to offer the highest quality sperm to vacationing donor recipients. To help facilitate sperm collection from 100-year-olds while they wear a sterile condom, the first of the following states/nations to allow female assistants to perform fellatio and/or coitus on the donor. For gay donors, the law allows male assistants to do fellatio on donor and/or donor to do sodomy on assistant.

1) Caribbean nation.

2) European nation.

3) Japanese province.  To win this future challenge, the resort's sperm bank does not need to import sperm from outside of Japan.  [The Japanese are very xenophobic when it comes to their race so this exception is very likely needed for this future challenge to be done in Japan.]

4) Thailand.

As a way to encourage donor recipients to "vacation" in their jurisdiction...

5) First US state to pass a law that enables sperm banks who do the original challenge to pay no state or local taxes.  [Expect big tourism US states (e.g., Nevada, Florida, and Louisiana) to be the first ones to do this future challenge.]

6) First Caribbean nation to not tax any of their sperm banks that does original challenge.

7) First European nation to not tax any sperm bank that does original challenge.

8) First Japanese province to not tax any sperm bank that does original challenge.

9) To help facilitate sperm collection from 100-year-olds while they wear a sterile condom, the first of the following states/nations to allow female assistants to perform fellatio and/or coitus on the donor. For gay donors, the law allows male assistants to do fellatio on donor and/or donor to do sodomy on assistant.

10) First US state.  [Expect Nevada, which already has legal brothels, to be the first one (if not the only one) in the USA to do this future challenge.  Expect Nevada brothels (either seriously or semi-seriously) to launch a citizen-initiated state-wide referendum to pass this future challenge for sperm donors who are at least 100 years of age.  Also, expect the semi-serious advocates of the referendum to call it "The Happy Grandpa Act."]

11) First Caribbean nation.

12) First European nation.

13) First Japanese province.

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