Cleaning Up
3D Printing: First retail website that ONLY sells 3D printers to the public and has sold at least...
Blue Skies: First incorporated US village or city to pass a city ordinance that requires all new...
Domestic Staff: The first domestic staff agency to specialize in deaf domestic staff. The...
Garbage Collection: First semi-automated robotic arm attached to a garbage truck that can pick up...
Garbage Recycling: First fully-automated recyclables separator able to handle unseparated normal...
Maid Service: First self-propelled, mobile robot to enter a hotel room, carefully strip a...
Newspapers: First major international environmentalist group (one million members or more) to...
Nobel Prize: The elimination of all Nobel Prizes except those for hard science and medicine. [The...
Religious Ministers: First free job training program for religious ministers and workers who...
Sears Tower: First society of Chicagoans to lead a corporate raid on the London-based...
Showers: First to sell more than 100,000 gizmos that can be attached to any standard...
Snow: First pizza delivery restaurant chain to offer to plow the streets and highways of their...
Vermin Control: First association of terrier dog owners whose dogs only hunt and kill/capture...
Voting: First US State to pass a state-wide citizen-initiated referendum that requires all...